The Road Warriors: John and Ron’s 2 Million Miles Journey at Auto-Wares

In the automotive industry, experience is invaluable, and dedication is the driving force behind success. Meet John P. and Ron K., two extraordinary employees at Auto-Wares Group of Companies, who have been on the road to excellence since 1987. Their commitment has taken them on a remarkable journey, with each of them surpassing the incredible milestone of driving over 2 million miles during their time at Auto-Wares.

Their commitment has taken them on a remarkable journey, with each of them surpassing the incredible milestone of driving over 2 million miles during their time at Auto-Wares.

John and Ron’s journey with Auto-Wares began more than three decades ago. Ron has been a Delivery Driver since he started with Auto-Wares in 1984. John became a driver in 1992 but also joined the company in 1984.

The Road to Excellence: Over the years, John and Ron proved to be more than just delivery drivers. They became automotive experts in their own right. They honed their knowledge of the industry, the products, and the routes they traveled, all while building strong relationships with customers and fellow employees. Their commitment to customer service was second to none, and their reputation for reliability made them indispensable to Auto-Wares.

It’s no small feat to log over 2 million miles on the road, and both John and Ron have accomplished this remarkable milestone. Each mile they’ve driven is a testament to their unwavering commitment to their roles, their company, and the customers they’ve served. Their tireless efforts have kept Auto-Wares running smoothly and efficiently.

To drive over 2 million miles, it takes more than just a vehicle and a destination. It takes determination, consistency, and a true passion for what you do. John and Ron have embodied these qualities throughout their careers. They understand the intricacies of the road, the importance of vehicle maintenance, and the necessity of timely deliveries.

Driving over 2 million miles each, they have not only delivered parts and products but also a commitment to excellence that has set the standard for all Auto-Wares employees. As they continue to travel the road of automotive excellence, John and Ron remain beacons of inspiration for all of us, showing that with unwavering commitment, the journey never truly ends. Here’s to the road warriors who keep the wheels turning and the engines running, mile after mile, year after year.


  • Driving a million miles is roughly equivalent to circumnavigating the Earth approximately 40 times.
  • If you are driving at 60 miles per hour, it would take approximately 16,667 hours to drive 1 million miles
  • A million miles is like driving the length of a football field about 1,818,181 times.
  • Driving a million miles is similar to covering the length of a standard soccer field about 2,743,842 times.
  • If you drive continuously at 60 miles per hour without stopping, it would take around 694 days.
  • Driving a million miles is equivalent to driving to the Moon and back approximately 2.1 times.
  • A million miles of driving is like going around the Earth’s equator about 40 times.

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